Meet Our Team
At Gump & Deal, we're an experienced team focused on results. Learn more about our attorneys and staff by clicking on a photo below.
If you're ready to get started, call us today at (937) 888-3246 or click below to contact our team.
About Us
Our Experience and High Ratings Will Earn Your Confidence
When you find yourself in a legal situation, you want an attorney you can depend on and trust. You want someone who will explain the legal process as well as fight and keep fighting to secure your rights. At Gump & Deal, you can rest easy knowing that each step will be handled with supreme accuracy and diligence. Our firm understands your situation and knows how to get the results you need and deserve.
Our goal is to provide our client’s with the best legal services while maintaining the highest level of integrity and ethical conduct. We are professional, courteous, informative and prompt. We strive to assist our clients in resolving their legal issues, keeping our client’s best interest our main focus.
In Their Own Words
"Nicole got us everything we asked for. I feel that she saved our family and especially my kids."Deanna H.
"I could not be happier with their professionalism, and willingness to explain any question and option."Blake R.
"Everyone that works in that office is amazing. They helped me with a custody case and did a fantastic job."Scott S.
Fair Solutions
We'll craft a strategy for your case to get you to the finish line, and you'll always know where your case stands.
Great Track Record
For over 50 years, our attorneys have accumulated an impressive record of wins, with experience across the board.
We'll Do What It Takes
Our attorneys will go the distance for you, dedicated to winning both in and out of the courtroom.
Long-standing Reputation
Since 1978, our ethical commitment to excellence has earned us the respect of the legal community.
Whether you have questions or you’re ready to get started, our legal team is ready to help. Complete our form below or call us at (937) 888-3246.